Studenti biologije iz Slovenije učestvovali u istraživanju staništa vilinih konjica u dolini rijeke Trebižat / Biology students from Slovenia participated in the investigation of dragonfly habitats in the Trebižat river valley
U okviru istraživanja populacija i identifikacije staništa Natura 2000 vrsta vilinih konjica članovi Udruženja BIO.LOG obavili su krajem aprila i početkom maja mjeseca istraživanje poznatih i potencijalnih novih staništa vrsta Cordulegaster heros i Coenagrion ornatum u dolini rijeke Trebižat. U terenskim istraživanjima su učestvovali i članovi Slovenskog odonatološkog društva kao i studenti biologije iz Ljubljane. I pored loših vremenskih prilika uspjeli smo posjetiti veliki broj lokaliteta i identifikovati nekoliko novih lokacija te potvrditi i neke ranije nalaze ovih vrsta.
Biology students from Slovenia participated in the investigation of dragonfly habitats in the Trebižat river valley
In the frame of study of populations and identification of habitats of the Natura 2000 species of dragonflies, members of the BIO.LOG Society conducted survey of known and potential new habitats of Cordulegaster heros and Coenagrion ornatum species in the Trebižat river valley. This research was done in the period from the end of April until the beginning of May. The members of the Slovenian odonatological society and biology students from Ljubljana also joined this survey. Despite the bad weather conditions, we managed to visit significant number of localities. We identified several new locations and confirmed some earlier findings of these species.
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