Provedeno više terenskih istraživanja tokom jula mjeseca / Several field investigations conducted in July
Tokom jula mjeseca organizovano je nekoliko istraživačkih terena u Hutovom blatu i u slivu rijeke Trebižat u sklopu CEPF projekta. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bilo utvrđivanje distribucije i populacija ugroženih vrsta vilinih konjica, te prikupljanje podataka i uzoraka puževa i školjki u ovim vodotocima.
Several field investigations conducted in July
Within CEPF project, during July we organized several field investigations in Hutovo blato and in the Trebižat river basin. The main objective of the research was to determine the distribution and populations of endangered dragonfly species and to collect data and samples of snails and mussels in these water bodies.